Software AG no longer operates as a stock corporation, but as Software GmbH (company with limited liability). Despite the change of name, we continue to offer our goods and services under the registered trademarks .

                Sustainability Strategy

                Our holistic approach towards shaping a sustainable future

                Shaping a Sustainable Future

Our Sustainability Strategy defines five action areas with eight material topics – carefully chosen by our stakeholders – that represent a holistic view of our business and its economic, social and environmental impacts.

Our Sustainability Mission Statement

What does Sustainability mean to us? Sustainability and responsible action are guiding principles that are central to our mission at Software AG. We are certain that moral principles and economic success belong together. To protect future generations and our planet, we are committed to creating not only economic, but also ecological and social value.

                Our Sustainability Strategy guides us in achieving our ambitions in five key areas:

1st Action Area
Leadership & Governance
We are committed to anchoring sustainability as an integral part of our business activities and delivering on our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) commitments. Through responsible corporate management and governance, we target long-term goals geared towards growth and best-in-class external ESG recognition. As a software company, we commit to the highest level of information security and data protection – entirely in the interests of our customers and partners. We firmly believe that our employees are the key to our success as a sustainable company.
2nd Action area
Our Employees
We aspire to promote and role-model a corporate culture based on people, passion, and products, and the core values of inclusion, integrity, and innovation. We continue to focus on attracting and retaining the best talent for Software AG, nurtured through employee engagement and an inclusive and equitable working environment in which all employees can thrive and unleash their potential.
3rd Action area
Customers & Technology
We are committed to being a reliable partner for our customers in providing high-quality and individually adjustable software solutions. Our services support digital transformation. Digital transformation can help to mitigate or even reverse the consequences of climate change. We want to play an active part in this with our solutions, enabling and helping our customers to operate sustainably.
4th action area
Value for Society
We aspire to effectively assist people in building expertise in the area of modern technologies. Our focused involvement in universities and schools is aimed at supporting the IT experts of the future. We offer new learning opportunities and meaningful development prospects for students and young professionals. Since technological advancement plays a crucial role in developing a sustainable world, we participate in collaborative research projects that promote the global sustainable development goals (SDGs).
5th action area
Impact on Environment
We are working to keep our environmental footprint as small as possible. To reduce the impact of our business activities on the planet, we prepare to become climate neutral as quickly as possible. With the help of our technology and our solutions, we will join forces with our customers and partners to tackle significant environmental challenges and help shape a more sustainable future.

                Sustainability Strategy

Our action plan for a truly connected and sustainable world.
"We are committed to creating not only economic but also ecological and social value”  

                Software AG Sustainability Fact Sheet

                    2023 Non-Financial Statement

Learn more about Software AG’s progress in creating a more sustainable future.


Kalina Ivanova

Senior Manager Sustainability/ESG

Kirsten Glück


Manager Sustainability/ESG

Krastina Razheva

Sustainability/ESG Reporting Specialist

Ventseslav Todorov

Sustainability/ESG Reporting Specialist

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