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                Strategic IT Portfolio Management

Streamlining your IT portfolio so it aligns your IT investments to business strategy can feel like an all-consuming project. But in reality, it can be easy and fast with the right enterprise architecture tool. Take the Senior IT Architect at Henkel. He used Alfabet to get his company’s IT portfolio in order in just three months and everyone across the enterprise, from financial management to security & compliance to C-level leaders could see it.

Watch the full video to see how Peter Kerekes, Senior IT Architect/Platform Architect is using Alfabet to make Henkel’s IT portfolio smarter.

What are the main use cases supported with Alfabet?
So in our company, the main use cases supported by Alfabet are mainly portfolio management, but we are serving the entire enterprise architecture scope including financial management, contract management and it’s also integrated with other tools. We are feeding master data, for example, to configuration management, etc.

Who are the main groups that consume data out of Alfabet?
In our case, the main customers or stakeholders consuming data from Alfabet are IT users. Several stakeholders from IT, like the commercial financial management team, as I mentioned, the contract management team, but also the security and compliance team. They are using Alfabet data for their risk assessment, for example. Also, we have outside IT stakeholders, business application owners, or even management. Higher management levels are also using Alfabet data in reports and dashboards.

What is the ecosystem of Alfabet in your organization?
In our organization, Alfabet is an integral part of the entire IT ecosystem – IT landscape. We have integration with CMDB, financial tools. We have also ITSM integration. Mainly we are providing master data or we are providing data to them. But, for example, we are also in terms of processes or process model, which we are getting from another tool. So, it’s fully and highly integrated in our organization.

What was your experience implementing Alfabet?
In our organization, the implementation of Alfabet was very smooth and fast of course because we immediately started to use the Software as a Service version. So, the cloud version. It took us only three months and we had an up and running system, and another half a year to be fully implemented. And since then, we have a full acceptance from the users and it is really running smooth and good.

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Find out what you can do with Alfabet