The StreamSets and webMethods platforms have now been acquired by IBM 

                SAP S/4HANA migration with webMethods

                See how webMethods Integration can help connect on-premise and cloud applications while migrating to SAP S/4HANA. 

If you use SAP® as your enterprise resource planning (ERP) tool, it's likely mission-critical to your day-to-day business activities. However, if you're one of the 75% of SAP customers who have not yet completed your SAP S/4HANA cloud migration, there is a real concern that the transition will disrupt the flow of your business. 

The key is making all of your existing applications—including those hosted on-premise—work together during and after the migration. The right integration platform can make this possible. 

Fortunately, you don't have to rehost everything at once. By taking a modern, hybrid approach to integration, you can complete your SAP S/4HANA cloud migration and make it work with all of your existing applications today. And then modernize other legacy applications over time, without breaking any of the connections you have in place. 

But to do this, you need an integration solution that will support all your SAP S/4HANA needs:

                It needs to be hybrid

Whether on-premises or in the private or public cloud, reach all your applications wherever they are. Get complete deployment flexibility, with built-in secure
connection between your data center and the cloud.

                It needs to be API-first

Do anything and everything with APIs. Consume, expose, introspect, transform and orchestrate them. Take the often complex APIs provided by applications, and simplify them to make them work for you.

                It needs to work for the citizen integrator

Create the building blocks that allow business users to integrate their own applications. Monitor everything in one simple place - across IT and citizen integrators - to bring "shadow IT" into the light.

                    Rethink integration, don't replace it

Rip-and-replace can be painful. Trying to move all integrations to a new platform can blow up applications that are working and disrupt your business. The better approach is to run your existing platform and your new platform side-by-side, building new integrations on the new platform and transitioning old integrations over time.

                How webMethods can help

                    Get an SAP jumpstart

Don't start from scratch. Get an extensive, mature set of SAP connectors with automatically generated data definitions.


Use a self-service low-code UI for integration specialists, ad hoc developers and business users. At the same time (and within the same platform), give IT professionals an advanced Java UI that allows them to work their way. Best of both worlds.

         is best single platform for API management, integration, B2B, microservices, and MFT. See how we are ranked across these capabilities by top analysts.

                    Cover all migration scenarios

Cloud migration is no small task, but can be so much easier with the right approach to integration. Make sure your path to the cloud is right for you, because no two journeys are identical. In our cloud migration guide, see how a phased approach—carefully picking the workloads one by one—will help make your migration happen.

The right model for your migration

Regardless of your approach to your SAP S/4HANA cloud migration, webMethods Integration can help. For some, the transition will be a one-time, lift-and-shift operation. For others, they will run their current SAP instance—and existing integrations—side-by-side with their new cloud-based SAP S/4HANA. 

                Parallel cloud migration

Given the complexity of a cloud migration, you can start by running SAP and SAP S/4HANA side-by-side for some applications and fully migrating over time. webMethods can orchestrate the flow of information between the two SAP instances, and route all of that information to the right endpoints. This helps manage the complexity of a phased approach to SAP S/4HANA cloud migration—on your own schedule.

                Modernize SAP access with APIs

When modernizing with your ERP by migrating to SAP S/4HANA, modernize your connections by taking an API-first approach. But as you do, recognize that building and deploying APIs reliably and securely can be complex. Manage them through a single API platform like webMethods.

                    See, decide & act with Software AG

Find out what you can do with our hybrid integration platform