Software AG no longer operates as a stock corporation, but as Software GmbH (company with limited liability). Despite the change of name, we continue to offer our goods and services under the registered trademarks .

                Cumulocity IoT QuickStart:
Start your IoT project

What if you could quickly prove ROI from the Internet of Things? Now you can. Meet Cumulocity IoT QuickStart, a fixed-fee, consultant-led program where your IoT project could be up and running in less than 90 days. Cumulocity IoT QuickStart takes you through four critical phases of your IoT project:

  • START & SCOPE – including a discovery workshop to explore your IoT goals
  • ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN – with a deep-dive workshop looking at “as-is” and “to-be” architectures
  • DEVELOPMENT & TEST – with continuous support from Software AG consultants
  • REVIEW & EXTEND – including measuring outcomes against success criteria

Together, let's make your IoT project a success.