Adabas & Natural 2050+
Ready for future generations
Several customers of Adabas & Natural have figured out how to keep their core applications going for the long-term by successfully managing the generational change of talent within their team. Learn how they attract and retain young developers, as well as engage all generations to work together, share skills and knowledge, and innovate. Here is their recipe for successfully managing the generational change of the workforce.
Recipe for success: Mastering the generational change
Find new talent
- Look for eager individuals who want to make a difference and achieve self-actualization by working in a modern environment
- Don´t seek out people who already know Adabas & Natural— learning is easy
- Find people who fit into your team’s culture and are willing to learn
- Ingredients: Influential leadership, peer training, culture of respect, opportunities for influence & creativity
Train new talent yourself
- Explore Software AG's Learning Portal for training and certification
- Make a clear commitment that apprentices/trainees will be offered long-term employment
- Include Adabas & Natural as an obligatory part of every developer’s job
- Ensure new employees understand that a programming language is only a means to an end
Retain your new staff
- Be open to new ideas and allow creativity
- Give young developers the chance to develop new ideas and present to a larger audience—bottom-up strategic influence and chance to shape IT
- Ensure every employee works on traditional projects and innovative projects
- Provide state-of-the art agile development tools and methodologies (e.g., NaturalONE, Eclipse™, open source)
Bring the generations together
- Foster a corporate culture that respects contributions of both experienced and younger generations toward a common goal
- Implement pair programming—an agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation
- Introduce mentoring programs
- Challenge experienced employees to learn a new development processes and tools
To manage the generational change of the workforce, you need a leader with the personality to spark creativity; someone who is passionate, convincing and has the ability to pull others along.
- Stefan Macke I Software Architect, Alte Oldenburger