The StreamSets and webMethods platforms have now been acquired by IBM 

Accelerate the speed of doing business

Your B2B partners can have a huge impact on your business. Improve business with your B2B network and simplify how you exchange your B2B documents in the cloud—with no infrastructure headaches and costs. With B2B, built on the industry-leading webMethods Trading Networks, you can quickly onboard new partners and transmit electronic business documents—like purchase orders, invoices and shipping notices— with customers, distributors and trading partners without any hardware investment, maintenance or upgrades.

It’s time to move your B2B integrations to the cloud

Software AG’s B2B is a B2B transaction automation and management platform that makes it easy to set up and communicate flexibly and reliably with your trading partners.

As a pure Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering, you can forget about costly and time-consuming hardware and infrastructure investments, implementation and operations. Everything’s done in the cloud, so you avoid all the headaches and costs of setting up and maintaining a B2B network.

Key benefits

  • Host B2B on both AWS or Azure platforms.
  • Onboard trading partners of any size—in great detail—in minutes
  • Empower your partners with self-service capabilities available at any time
  • Exchange business documents conveniently in real-time through EDI (UNEDIFACT, ANSI X12, EANCOM, ODETTE, UCS, VDA, TRADACOMS) in the cloud
  • Centrally manage important partner details, like contacts
  • Integrate B2B documents directly with your back-end systems for fast processing
  • Administrator, developer and user role-based access
  • Leverage an out-of-the-box store of over 14,000 document types
  • Greater control with end-to-end visibility of your partner network
  • Peace of mind—count on the reliable connectivity of webMethods, the industry-leading hybrid integration platform

Key features

A fresh look at partner management B2B introduces a UI that dramatically improves the user experience for multiple user personas. Expect better usability and productivity through increased clarity, intuitive navigations and fewer clicks.

Simplified partner onboarding

Onboard partners faster and improve how you manage them by using a shared administrative infrastructure. You can create and brand a portal for your partners, assign them roles, and send out email invitations to let them onboard on their own when they’re ready. For each partner, you can define:

  • Document routing information
  • Processing information
  • Contact details
Partner self-service for increased productivity

Enable your partners with 24/7 self-service capabilities and granular role-based access so they can make updates to purchase orders, invoices, security certificates, and other key business documents.

Automated partner transactions

Define and store inbound and outbound communication channels to automate and manage your partnerships, and be sure documents are sent and received securely..

Customize document types

Use B2B to quickly customize document types for support of priority partners who create their own versions of document standards.

Document creation, parsing & validation

Save time with deep out-of-the-box EDI support for UNEDIFACT X12, EANCOM, ODETTE, UCS, VDA and TRADACOMS document types. Document validation helps you assure data accuracy and high quality. Ensure the data you send and receive is correct and reliable and that your documents are delivered and received securely with your trading partners.

RosettaNet support B2B provides out-of-the box support for the RosettaNet standard. Expect cloud-automation for partner exchange of supply-chain information in a highly scalable and secure way.

XML Document Support

Extract, build and customize XML documents from an existing schema. Submit XML documents and test to see all matching XML document types.

Add customized XML attributes B2B allows you to uniquely identify any data, then use those attributes within processing rules to add powerful logic for rule execution.

Reusable rules

Reduce errors and inefficiencies by implementing consistent and reusable document processing rules. Processing rules provide flexibility in your partner communications and ensure consistent and reliable data. Additionally, any number of email alerts are triggered when process rules are evoked. This feature identifies missing invoice numbers, orders over a certain value or the need to address other attribute corrections.

Back-end integration

All trading partner data including extended fields are available to be passed through to, enabling customized processing flows unique to your organization.

Quickly tie your B2B processes to your back-end systems and orchestrate your B2B processes via Integration.

Manage, register multiple instances B2B allows registration and management for multiple environments. Named environments (Dev, QA, Production) can be deployed and accessed through separate UIs, enabling status monitoring and asset promotion across registered environments using a robust deployment tool.

Security and encryption B2B ensures transaction security through partner certificates plus SSL support for Inbound and Outbound Channels, including AS2 and SFTP Automatic encryption/decryption adds an additional layer of assurance.

Real-time exchange

With B2B, you can work in real time with your trading partners, eliminating costly delays and speeding up the way you do business.

Operational visibility

Gain complete end-to-end visibility into B2B transactions across your entire trading network. Track and manage B2B transactions through analytics and a monitoring dashboard and Instantly see the status of your transactions. Transactions are grouped within the monitoring screen enabling the easy identification for specific groups of transactions.

Message repair & resubmit

When a transaction problem happens, fix it fast. With B2B, you can locate the problem’s source by drilling down into transaction data, including message header and routing information as well as the message payload itself. Then, take corrective or preventive action as needed.

You can easily update the transaction payload and resubmit. This saves you from having to wait on your partners to fix an issue on their side and then resend the message.

Audit and Deployment logs

A UI for administrators enables transaction log queries. Use deployment logs to show all deployment activity occurring between environments, including who deployed assets—and when.

How B2B works
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