Alfabet FastLane Cloud Assessment

Get to the cloud faster and more reliably. Alfabet FastLane makes it easy with ready to-use reports providing you answers to critical business questions relevant for your cloud migration initiatives.

Get instant answers on your cloud migration journey

Migrating to the cloud can be a complex and overwhelming challenge, not knowing what to focus on and what impacts the migration entails. To speed up the decision and planning process, Alfabet FastLane Cloud Assessment helps you to identify cloud candidates and decide on your migration strategy (Retire, Retain, Rehost, Refactor, Rearchitect, Rebuild). It’s a pre-configured SaaS solution and easy to use at low cost and risk.

Key benefits

  • Fast setup—based on a SaaS model
  • Ready-to-go reports and dashboards for quick cloud assessment and cloud impact analysis
  • Efficient planning with predefined portfolio analysis to determine cloud strategy and roadmap
  • Optimized cloud migration decisions by comparing focus areas with actual migration strategy
  • Expedited time-to-value by focusing on the right cloud migration candidates based on a built-in application assessment framework
  • Improved agility and increased project success rate through a clear understanding of impacts and dependencies
  • Transparency into your current architecture while highlighting technical obsolescence and lifecycle conflicts
  •  Significantly accelerated IT portfolio cloud migration
Preconfigured dashboards show you where to focus you cloud migration efforts
The cloud migration strategy board gives you a real-time view of the required actions within your cloud portfolio


Evaluate your cloud focus areas 

Get an overview of your cloud migration strategies to make better decisions based on the system recommendations. Gauge your cloud readiness and relevance and adopt a top-down, bottom-up approach to migrate the most important applications within your portfolio.

Define your cloud migration strategy

Understand your current strategies for your application portfolio. Analyze your strategy board by each focus area and understand application responsibilities and provided capabilities. Rationalize your migration strategy by the cloud focus areas.

Find out the impact of technical obsolescence

See the lifecycle of applications as well as the components that these applications are using to assess your technical debt. Plan your cloud application portfolio and minimize lifecycle conflicts among technical components supporting your cloud applications. 

Discover your current cloud footprint

Visualize your cloud application landscape by business owner or capability. Understand your AS-IS and TO-BE cloud landscapes at any given point in time. Create your own cloud transformation strategy by analyzing your cloud portfolio performance based on application KPIs.

Get a detailed view of your cloud landscape and realize your cloud migration strategies and their timelines
Alfabet FastLane is an intuitive, straightforward and ready-to-use strategic portfolio management solution in the cloud. Manage your cloud, business, application, information and technology portfolios with one easy-to-use interface. Analyze your portfolio, gain instant insights, realize value quickly with predefined business questions and unique reports. Alfabet FastLane is built on the Alfabet platform that’s consistently ranked as a leader by analysts for enterprise architecture and IT portfolio management. You can start small and grow based on your needs. Upgrade easily to Alfabet Enterprise as your business has more advanced requirements. 
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