Software AG no longer operates as a stock corporation, but as Software GmbH (company with limited liability). Despite the change of name, we continue to offer our goods and services under the registered trademarks .

Beecham report: The power of IoT to transform healthcare

As an IoT medical device manufacturer, the opportunity to embed the Internet of Things (IoT) in your products to change lives, even save lives, is phenomenal. The healthcare industry is expected to triple its annual investment in IoT by the end of 2025. Expand your perspective on what the healthcare industry expects from IoT and how to successfully deliver smart connected products by reading "The power of IoT to transform healthcare."

This 20-page report was created with Beecham Research, a leading technology research and analysis firm that specializes in IoT. Findings are based on research from 18,000+ healthcare specialists. Use these insights to meet your goals in manufacturing smart, connected medical devices.

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