Vision Valley

                    Vision Valley FZ LLC

Industry: Cross Industry


Vision Valley is a leader in solutions and services for the Middle East and North Africa telecommunications, networking and information technology industries. Systems integration is critical to Vision Valley’s operation, and the ability of our technical teams to take and refine a solution to meet the needs of individual clients is key to our success. We integrate a customer’s most important business processes with state-of-the-art solutions across the spectrum of Vision Valley’s operations, including IoT E2E services, business applications, wireless technology, video communications, software, business applications and IT security. One of Vision Valley’s key strengths is the depth of knowledge and expertise that lies within its management and technical teams. 

We adopt “Agile” methodology for implementing projects, which ensure full-time engagement with our customers to quickly and efficiently respond to customer requests throughout the project lifecycle. This methodology is highly helpful in aligning the technical efforts with our client’s business goals within short intervals during solution analysis, design, development, testing and deployment stages. 

Vision Valley is an active contributor in the Lora Alliance and is intensively experienced in rolling out our large wireless sensing networks, integrating IoT platforms and continuously introducing to the market innovative solutions based on the latest technologies. With a team of experts and partnerships with world leaders in all domains, it has successfully implemented the 1st smart city horizontal IoT platform for Dubai and won the first smart city implementation. It has rolled out many key services, such as UAE safe city ”HassanTuk” connecting all residential and commercial buildings across to UAE, to civil defense for fire monitoring, and health and safety using IoT technologies delivering superior services for managing the safety of UAE citizens. In addition, it implemented the first smart district DSO sensing network in Dubai and many other uses cases where IoT has been extensively used to improve operational KPI(s) and substantial savings of operational costs.

Vision Valley offers the professional services of its staff to telecoms vendors, operators and large enterprises whenever specialist skills are required. This outsourcing and center of excellence model aims to provide customers with access to a high-level resource pool with flexible arrangements and minimal outlay. Many customers have used and reused Vision Valley as their professional services partner, as we have our own internal strict measures of quality and because of our ability to ensure a high level of quality of satisfaction to our customers and their clients.

Countries Partner Types Product Categories Industries
  • Pakistan
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Implementation Partner
  • Sales Partner
  • Solution Partner
  • Integration and APIs
  • IoT & Analytics
  • Communication & Media
  • Food & Beverage
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
  • Public sector
  • Utilities & Energy & Oil Gas


Sameh Elghaly
General Manager
Phone: +971 559603500
Address: DIC,B14, Office 214, PO BOX 500294 · Dubai · United Arab Emirates