Wiener Netze recognizes that a comprehensive overview of all processes and risks is essential in light of the many changes to the law and increasing customer, compliance and sustainability requirements.
Wiener Netze uses ARIS for process and organizational modeling and has merged the many processes from its gas, electricity, telecommunications, and district heating divisions in its initial phase. Before that, there had been a disparate variety of documented processes and roles.
Today, these are made available to all employees via ARIS in the “Wiener Netze IMS Cockpit”.
To build on this, Wiener Netze has also decided to rely on ARIS to digitalize their internal control system (ICS) and the tax control system (TCS). This also makes it possible to clearly link the risks and the associated controls, tests and control operations with the process and organizational structure. Employees are conveniently assigned their tasks via e-mail, making it easy for them to get started with the system.
The benefits and improvements were already apparent after the first run, thanks to evaluations, transparent tasks, and dashboards that were provided to risk owners.
Wiener Netze is continuing step by step on its path towards maximum transparency and efficiency in order to be able to react to new requirements as quickly and flexibly as possible, while continuing to drive sustainability forward.